Generosity of spirit

Poetry group this month with Ilene and Carol jumped off with the theme of forgiveness. Ilene said once she got into forgiveness, it hit her, “ok, this is the deal.” She led forgiveness workshops and wrote, “nothing is as deeply raw as the time leading up to the act of forgiving and nothing comes from… Continue reading Generosity of spirit

Advice poem

If you don’t like groups, join several If you hate water, go swimming If you’re resentful, find the release. Start your day by leaving your Hang-ups in a jar by the doorway. The door is where the dervish waits. When you return, your hang-ups have transformed to change. The coins stacked up, they invest in… Continue reading Advice poem

Help with less answers and more listening

We often seek solutions or fixes to complex questions. There is a way to pause. A way to absorb what is going on before problem solving. Some would describe spiritual direction as a movement toward soul wholeness. A spiritual director is there to help us tune into ourselves. They are not there to tell us… Continue reading Help with less answers and more listening

Give into your whole self

New storms come Not on schedule But they blow around and wash the old away Maybe today you’ll find your ancient tomb All the colors still showing life and reverence To bring to your highest priest self, in current time The hollow ancient space in your chest Will connect with the lost heart of art… Continue reading Give into your whole self

Confidential Conversations

We end up together in a small room and I listen. It goes like this: a person comes in, and they speak a stream of images regarding their condition. First, they might say, “COW BUCKET WINDOW BREAD SUN ECHO.” And I say, “oh, ok…,” and I address this list. The subject is aches and pains,… Continue reading Confidential Conversations

From injury to function

The lotus lifts from mud.

Injury and wounds call for attention, mindfulness, focus. They demand us to care for ourselves, which is a gift. To learn this is a gift. Below is a list of suggestions brought about by conversations with patients: things to do and not do every day toward recovering from pain, injury, illness. Do the work. Don’t… Continue reading From injury to function

Walk slowly and look closely

Dave could read coyote scat like tea leaves. “See this hair? That’s nutria.” Others contained grain, a mouse, grass. “That’s a thigh bone,” he pointed down to the ground to what looked like a mess inside of a mess. We saw no possums but were told that no one enjoys eating them, not even vultures.… Continue reading Walk slowly and look closely

A walk through backwater sloughs in a riparian forest

It’s like the place where Winnie the Pooh lives. It’s not the grounds to prove physical accomplishments, victories, or achievements. About 11 miles south of Corvallis, off Peoria road, Snag Boat Bend is a simple walk in a quiet place. It offers grass, blackberries, willows, water, leaves and trees. There is a bog. Beavers live… Continue reading A walk through backwater sloughs in a riparian forest

Act in favor with all sentient beings

Is there life to it? Does it lead to love? How is that for a couple of good questions? A project? A move? A relationship? What does it feel like when you consider these questions? I learned about these queries through a Quaker study group. I don’t know if Quakers invented it, but they brought… Continue reading Act in favor with all sentient beings

Notes from Canada

They sit, walk laps, read Ferry carries passengers Standing in the wind I traveled to Canada last week with my girlfriend. Haven’t been there since, oh, about 1983. Smoke and fire give way Three hours up the freeway Gray clouds bursting rain I meant to get back there sooner. Someday much sooner. “When is someday… Continue reading Notes from Canada