Brain rinse

Do not favor the company of paranoia. Whether it’s people, places, or the internet. I recently advised someone asking for help, “don’t pick friends who light up your paranoia.” “If you walk there, you will smell like pennyroyal,” said a voice. “Is that good or bad?” I asked. “I think it’s good,” said another. “It’s… Continue reading Brain rinse

Go With The Flow

“Go with the flow” is the slogan for the Newberry crater area, just south of Bend, Oregon. A nice play of words on the whole lava phenomena. Nature flows with what is. Finding harmony within disharmony. I wonder about how to be more like nature? Natural. Passing a forest where there had been a burn… Continue reading Go With The Flow

Field trip for the soul

I was feeling a little bummed out. I needed some different scenery. I had some things on my mind and they weren’t all happy things. What to do with a melancholic half day off? Leave town. First stop, the bird refuge. My spirit needed a rinse of water, sky, birds, rain. This is a story… Continue reading Field trip for the soul

Zoöpolis Is Where It’s At

A thriving coexistence: cultivating Zoöpolis. Zoöpolis is a new word for me. Maybe you already know it? It has a z and an umlaut, so I already liked it, before I knew what it meant. Jennifer Wolch, a geographer coined this term. Definition: The place where the polis meets the zoo, an overlap of human… Continue reading Zoöpolis Is Where It’s At