Tag: flowers
Flowers wave at the traffic going by
I practiced 20 different introductions as I walked toward the Flower Garden of Mystery. This is a large plot of sunflowers and nasturtiums on the corner of Hilyard and E. 25th. “Hi, my name is Mary Ann and I love your garden and I wondered if I could interview you for my blog, which has… Continue reading Flowers wave at the traffic going by
Zoöpolis Is Where It’s At
A thriving coexistence: cultivating Zoöpolis. Zoöpolis is a new word for me. Maybe you already know it? It has a z and an umlaut, so I already liked it, before I knew what it meant. Jennifer Wolch, a geographer coined this term. Definition: The place where the polis meets the zoo, an overlap of human… Continue reading Zoöpolis Is Where It’s At