Flowers wave at the traffic going by

I practiced 20 different introductions as I walked toward the Flower Garden of Mystery. This is a large plot of sunflowers and nasturtiums on the corner of Hilyard and E. 25th. “Hi, my name is Mary Ann and I love your garden and I wondered if I could interview you for my blog, which has… Continue reading Flowers wave at the traffic going by

Tend your life

It’s pussy willow season, did you know that? I’ve been out the last two evenings collecting gorgeous bundles along a nearby creek. I like harvesting them because you have to notice them, time it, pay attention. It feels old and sweet and real. While slogging around in my rubber boots tonight, I noticed two hawks,… Continue reading Tend your life

Be slightly ridiculous

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but I pick up sticks. I collect them. I see them everywhere. Usually they are on the ground. I don’t go around poaching live branches off trees. Some of the best places to find them are on the borders and edges of reservoirs. Roots, limbs, branches, and even… Continue reading Be slightly ridiculous

DIY autumn body wash: Inspire; Release!

The following is a fall aromatherapy body wash based on Chinese elemental theory. The season is: autumn. Time to let go of the old, and take in the new. The direction of this time of year is downward- a quiet movement back into the earth to push nutrients into the soil for next spring. The… Continue reading DIY autumn body wash: Inspire; Release!

Zoöpolis Is Where It’s At

A thriving coexistence: cultivating Zoöpolis. Zoöpolis is a new word for me. Maybe you already know it? It has a z and an umlaut, so I already liked it, before I knew what it meant. Jennifer Wolch, a geographer coined this term. Definition: The place where the polis meets the zoo, an overlap of human… Continue reading Zoöpolis Is Where It’s At