What makes this a sacred moment?

This won’t be a linear story. When it was over, I walked away and saw a rainbow between two clouds. I went to the Oregon Pain Summit 2020 this past weekend in Lebanon, which is surrounded by pastures of sheep. A bunch of healthcare professionals got together and talked about how to take care of… Continue reading What makes this a sacred moment?


I heard a hawk’s cry come through a starling’s beak. It was a perfect imitation. Messages come through however they can. Sometimes to break up monotony. Other times it’s a specific insight. Still other times, it’s just funny. We need juxtaposition to mingle and jostle healthy brain activity. I think this is true but I… Continue reading Juxtapositions

DIY autumn body wash: Inspire; Release!

The following is a fall aromatherapy body wash based on Chinese elemental theory. The season is: autumn. Time to let go of the old, and take in the new. The direction of this time of year is downward- a quiet movement back into the earth to push nutrients into the soil for next spring. The… Continue reading DIY autumn body wash: Inspire; Release!