Divide less, add more

Call me dull or obsolete, I’m voting for Biden. I picked up several other Biden endorsements today. It was easy.

Let’s skip to the pictures if you want a quick idea of Biden backers.

Forget-me-nots for Biden
Wood chips for Biden
Water for Biden (specifically the Willamette River). Waterways always vote blue.

We have two old guys in the running. There are many issues to compare. I’m looking at these:

Which one would you choose to watch your house/ pets/ kids/ garden? Who can successfully hold a baby? Which one gets along with the neighbors? Who frightens or calms horses? Can either of them sort recyclables?

I know these used to be low standards, but now, they are very high. Tremendous, you might even say.

If in temporary care of a family, how does it go? Who incites more crying and division? Sure, Biden might forget some details along the way, but so would Trump.

I imagine Trump would take the dog to the pound, charge the hamsters rent, and not pay the landscaping crew. On the same day/test, Biden might take a nap?

In the evening, of this mock-up contest, Trump would create a game of kick the can, which would lead to taking wagers from the block, pocketing all the money, postponing the game, hiring lawyers, hopping a plane to have lunch with a dictator, and leaving behind the mess to be sorted out by others.

During the same kick the can game, under Biden, he would pull up a lawn chair, clap and cheer, while drinking a lemonade. This is the one I want to vote for out of the two.

I know that some want the guy yelling “fake news!” “hoax!” and even “grab ’em by the pussy!” They like the Mussolini swagger. They are free to vote, and I cannot persuade otherwise, as they are not listening.

For the rest, vote for Biden. Vote for the gentler grandpa, vote for oatmeal, vote for moving into a direction of basic decency. For now, if you want more, after voting for Biden, run for some office, write about your ideas, take good care of your life, divide less, and add more.

Trump is like a small, glittery Mussolini bobblehead in the sale bin at the Dollar store, and Biden is like a used garden spade at an estate sale. Vote for the spade, and let’s get to work in putting democracy back together.

Little dog in bike basket, for Biden

Got any pictures of you or your Biden voters?


  1. I join the gaggle and put my name in the hat for Biden. I would rather have a grandfather figure who pitches the American dream of apple pie, playing fair and getting along, hopefully pushes for more porch swings and social gatherings (the timing couldn’t be better – when the dust settles, use contractors for that rather than walls), than a hustler who sees everything as something to be negotiated, with the impulse of a teenager and penchant for having the last word… even if it doesn’t make sense, is grammatically afoul, wasn’t his thought, but that of some idiot self-serving holla holla baller out in right field who overshoots home plate of objectivity – greater good – common decency. Where did you find your forum? They are diverse, colorful and appear to be at many levels on the food chain – each with untold value…. except Mr. Gnome – he looks a bit sketchy ;).

    1. Well said, Sally. Common decency has been abandoned. I found most of the congregation on my bike ride. The gnome lives on my porch. He’s harmless ; ).

  2. “…They like the Mussolini swagger…charge the hamsters rent…vote for oatmeal…the gentler grandpa…waterways always vote blue.” yeah that about sums it all up. oh and that little puffy white dog is writing in David Kucinich…throwing her fluffy vote away, but with good heart-

    1. Ha-ha-ha! The fluffy with heart throw-away vote, indeed.
      I kind of love the waterways always vote blue slogan. If I do say so myself.

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